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Resource creation approvers



Approvers for resource creation are individuals assigned within a designated security model who receive requests when users intend to create a resource associated with the model.


By default, any users within the Microsoft O365 environment can create resources. In this scenario, those eligible to approve resource creation could be anyone possessing a valid license with access to Microsoft Teams.

However, Microsoft also provides the option to restrict resource creation to users within a specific security group. In that case, approvers for resource creation are limited to individuals within that precise group.


While it is feasible to manually select approvers one by one, Microsoft already organizes users into security groups. Consequently, it is possible to designate an entire security group as part of the resource approvers. When users need to choose an approver, they will be presented with the complete list of users in that security group, without knowing the existence of the security group.


If contextualization is activated, each user or security group designated as a resource approver will have its structure displayed in an additional column.

When users are shown the list of available approvers, they will only see those within their designated structure. Therefore, administrators should define at least one approver for each subteam. Otherwise, users in teams without defined approvers will be limited to generic models.